

For making the folder as compact, click on the Compact option inside the more option. Once you make a folder compact, it removes all messages marked as deleted in that folder.

Mark all as read:

  • In order to mark the messages are read; select Mark all as read.
  • You can mark the option as either the selected folder, the selected folder and its subfolder, or all folders.

Manage folders:

  • You can manage the folder by either the Enable or Disable button.
  • You can do the following functionalities by selecting the options below:

Selection options:

  • All: all messages in the folder are selected.
  • Current page: all messages in the current page are selected.
  • Unread: all the unread messages are selected
  • Flagged: By selecting the flag icon against the message, the message will be flagged.
  • Invert: By selecting the invert option, all the unselected messages will be selected.
  • Selecting the message icon will show the unread messages.

Search Options:

  • The search results will show based on the enabled options.

Sorting Options

  • Select the Options menu.

Sorting options can be       

  • Sorting column
  • Sorting order.

Fig: Sorting order


ou can do the following actions for the selected message:

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